Understanding Small-Business Cyber-Insurance Marketplace
The cyber insurance universe is still in its infancy. There will be many changes over the next couple years on the coverage, reaction procedures,...
Today's security executives are increasingly expected to possess a strong business acumen in addition to their expertise in managing risk. This means they must have the ability to communicate the mission of the security program to all levels of the organization, from the board down to the end user.
Michael Santarcangelo, who works with security teams to troubleshoot communication issues and accomplish their goals, suggests security leaders ask three simple questions at the outset of any project to achieve immediate clarity:
Click below to read the full article and listen to the interview at the BankInfoSecurity website:
The cyber insurance universe is still in its infancy. There will be many changes over the next couple years on the coverage, reaction procedures,...
A just released update to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's Cybersecurity Assessment Tool will help make meeting regulators'...
Businesses are suffering from an influx of too much security technology packaged into too many solutions offered by too many vendors, says former RSA...