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Announcing the Launch of BEDELsecurity.com!

Announcing the Launch of BEDELsecurity.com!

We are in the security business.  So "SECURITY" should be in the name, right?

When I first started on my own, I was a little afraid to get specific on the name of my business.  I thought if I used the word "technology", it would give me more flexibility on what my offering was.

What I found was that generalization leads to ambiguity, and it's tough to do business with someone when you are unclear on what they offer.

So to be clear, I help financial institutions with cybersecurity and information technology by offering executive-level consulting, coaching, and  advisory services.

Or more specifically, my offerings are:

virtualCISO - We provide leadership for your financial institution to develop and maintain your Information Security Program.  This is best suited for banks that don’t have a true in-house CISO.

CISOmentor - Training and development of your in-house CISO.  1-on-1 guidance on the responsibilities of the CISO position in the financial industry.  Ideal for CISO’s with less than 24 months experience.

CISOwingman - Supplemental expertise only when you need it.  Let us be a resource to your in-house CISO through added insight and perspective.  Or let us help you lighten your load by assisting with regular CISO tasks.

Needless to say, to show our commitment to information security, and avoid future confusion, we've registered the name with the state and bought the domain.

It's still at that infancy stage as a website, but you can check it out here:  bedelsecurity.com

Introducing the Newest Member of The Bedel Security Team

Introducing the Newest Member of The Bedel Security Team

The Bedel Security Team is proud to welcome their newest vCISO Senior Advisor and VP Chief Financial Officer, Stephanie Goetz, CPA, CISA, CISSP....

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10 Years of Bedel Security: Gratitude, Growth, and Going Forward

10 Years of Bedel Security: Gratitude, Growth, and Going Forward

Ten years ago, Bedel Security was nothing more than an idea—a vision for how we could help community banks and credit unions address a critical gap...

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Introducing the Newest Member of the Bedel Security Team

Introducing the Newest Member of the Bedel Security Team

The Bedel Security Team is excited to welcome our newest vCISO Specialist, Kenyatta Smith!

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