Surviving the Post-Pandemic Landscape Part 3
In case you missed the last 2 days, here’s a brief recap. If you did read yesterday, you can jump down to online account opening. Keep in mind, this...
Information Security leadership can be a tough spot. We are agents of almost constant change in order to combat threats that no one can see. Threats that often don’t show evidence of their existence until some amount of damage is done. We ask for things that cost what’s arguably the most precious to institutions, money and time, to fight these ‘invisible’ threats. In many cases, we are seen as a necessary evil that an examiner or auditor determines to be a need.
To do our job we must think about things from a risk perspective, thinking about the threats and risks weighed against the gains and ease connections and technology bring to the table. This is what we’re up against and as I speak with experienced ISOs and reflect on my personal experience, more often than not stories of combating and overcoming these circumstances come up.
So, this post is meant to bring some perspective and encouragement for those days where there was a battle lost, where the office is a lonely place and it seems you are speaking a language no one else understands. I’ve been there and chances are you have been, too.
The most helpful wisdom I’ve found is based on a book that brought me through some tough times and changed my perspective on many situations: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
So, here are five things to remember on those days when you are weary from fighting the good fight:
If your Information Security program needs a hand and you just don’t know where to begin, our Base vCISO module could be a great place to start. Reach out for more information at
In case you missed the last 2 days, here’s a brief recap. If you did read yesterday, you can jump down to online account opening. Keep in mind, this...
The Finastra ransomware attack from last week reminded us all of that.
I love community banking.