Four and Four – Questions to Simplify Vendor Management

Our friends over at infotex wrote an article last week on vendor management.  It doesn't contain tactical info, but rather a good piece to give to your team on the high-level goals of the information security side of vendor management.

"When you’re just starting to address the issue of vendor management, it can seem like a daunting task. "

Click below to read the full article at the author's website:

Why was it so Quiet in the Fourth Quarter?

Why was it so Quiet in the Fourth Quarter?

[caption id="attachment_714" align="alignnone" width="672"] It’s good to be back on the blog. My last post was on September 28, 2016, which means I...

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A checklist that saves you from stressing

A checklist that saves you from stressing

We are halfway through the fourth quarter and I want to see a show of hands for everyone who feels like they're scrambling to get things done in...

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For Banks: Cybersecurity Assessment Tool - v2.7 is now available!

For Banks: Cybersecurity Assessment Tool - v2.7 is now available!

I've created an excel based tool for banks and other financial institutions who want to easily create a brief, high-level report for the Board of...

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