The Bedel Security Blog

Healthcare Practitioners: First, do no harm...

Written by Chris Bedel | Aug 17, 2015

First, do no harm: protect your patients' information.

I sometimes find it interesting that healthcare practices that are entirely dedicated to the wellness of their patients, don't take steps to secure the information that those same patients entrust with that provider.

They commit to total patient care, or a holistic approach, but won't commit to encrypting their laptops and emails.

It's time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture here:  A breach of sensitive information detracts from the wellness of your patients.  Identity theft is not a healthy activity to be involved in (I've seen it first hand).

MY CHALLENGE TO YOU: take your standards of patient care to the next level.  Implement a culture of protecting patient information.  Communicate to them what you are doing to protect that info and what they can do to help you.

Question: What steps are you taking to "do no harm" to your patient information? 

Email or Tweet me your responses and/or any questions on this post.

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