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Hired Guns: The Rise of the Virtual CISO

I love this article by Michelle Drolet on Network World:

The enterprise is facing a dangerous combination of mounting cybersecurity threats of increasing subtlety—and a widening gap in the skills required to identify and combat them. Having someone who knows how to lead the charge in identifying and analyzing threats, creating strategic security plans and ensuring compliance requires the right level of expertise.

Enter the virtual CISO.

For smaller businesses, it simply doesn't make sense to invest in a full-time CISO when you can hire a virtual one and get the specialty skills you need to draw up a strategic overview and deliver the big picture. With a virtual CISO, there's no need to worry about benefits or monthly overhead.

Whether you're looking to get a snapshot of your security posture, you need to fill a temporary gap, or you need a leader to roll out a company-wide information security policy, the virtual CISO is a compelling value proposition.

Read the entire article on NetworkWorld...

The 1 Thing that is Getting Overlooked by Banks on Secure Email

Dan Hadaway, with Infotex, goes into great detail on the risks associated with misconfiguration of "secure" email in one of his recent blog posts. He...

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The Internet of Things in Retail Banking

The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained a considerable amount of hype as the “Next Big Thing” to change the world as we know it. Applications of IoT...

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The Internet of Things in Retail Banking

The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained a considerable amount of hype as the “Next Big Thing” to change the world as we know it. Applications of IoT...

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