1 min read

IBA’s MEGA Conference 2018

IBA’s MEGA Conference 2018


This week The Bedel Security Team attended the Indiana Bankers Association’s MEGA Conference. It was filled with great conversation, making new connections, and reconnecting with familiar faces.

MEGA2018Yet, regardless of who we talked, to we noticed this theme of wanting to grow, wanting to improve, and wanting to find the right tools to do it. (Common at conventions but important no less!)

Here at Bedel Security we believe the key to any growth and improvement is establishing a focus on what matters. So this week I am going to direct you all to a timeless article we wrote last fall, If Everything is Important, Then Nothing is.

The focus of the article is directed towards how prioritizing can greatly improve your information security program, but the root concept could apply to just about anything you want to improve.

So after you read it, I’d love to know what distractions you run into that take away from your ability to prioritize?

Shoot your responses to support@bedelsecurity.com and if we get enough we might just write a follow-up post to address a few of them!


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Culture Counts

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Two Essential Ingredients to Improve Your Information Security Program

Two Essential Ingredients to Improve Your Information Security Program

I want to focus today's topic on improving the information security program at your bank or credit union. But keep in mind, that these two things are...

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