'Security isn't a special flower; it’s another piece of business, like finance'

A nice article by The Telegraph on the culture of cybersecurity, and what organizations can do to establish or improve their own.

Click below to read the full article at the author's website:

SIEM challenges: Why your security team isn’t receiving valuable insights

I thought this was an interesting article as I've seen some banks struggle with the reporting mechanisms in their SIEM. Something to look at if you...

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FBI IC3 Report: Top Methods of Fraud = Focus on Customer Awareness

FBI IC3 Report: Top Methods of Fraud = Focus on Customer Awareness

It's a bit dated, but a member of our team recently brought up a few statistics from the FBI IC3 2016 Internet Crimes Report (that can be found here:

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A checklist that saves you from stressing

A checklist that saves you from stressing

We are halfway through the fourth quarter and I want to see a show of hands for everyone who feels like they're scrambling to get things done in...

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