Setting and Achieving Realistic Information Security Program Goals for 2016

I love this article by Kevin Beaver on goals for your ISP.  Although it's already the end of March, it is applicable at any time of the year because it discusses:

  1. Focusing on continuous improvement in information security.  It can't happen overnight, and you are never truly "there".  Keep asking  yourself: "How can we be better tomorrow than we were yesterday?"
  2. Prioritizing your goals.  Remember - If everything is important, then nothing is.
  3. Taking a pragmatic approach.  Kevin mentions being reasonable several times in his article.  Align your ISP goals with business goals and make sure they are feasible.

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Is it Time to Take the Organization of Your Information Security Program to the Next Level?

Is it Time to Take the Organization of Your Information Security Program to the Next Level?

The Information Security Program at Banks and Credit Unions is getting to be a pretty complex thing. Policies, audits, reviews, board reports,...

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Implement Practical Policies and Processes to Improve Your Cyber Security

Implement Practical Policies and Processes to Improve Your Cyber Security

Lately, we've been running into cyber security programs and information security programs (ISP) that are elaborate, lengthy, complex, and written...

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Inside The Competitive Testing Battlefield of Endpoint Security

I'm honored to be quoted in "Final Analysis" section of Kevin Townsend's article this week at, especially with the level of quality...

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