2 min read
New FFIEC IT Management Booklet: What your Board Needs to Know
Gone are the days where the Board of Directors at a financial institution could assign the responsibility of Information Security (now called...
2 min read
Gone are the days where the Board of Directors at a financial institution could assign the responsibility of Information Security (now called...
The unfolding investigation into the Nov. 13 Paris attacks carries lessons for any organization or agency that is attempting to share threat-related...
Ron Ross Promotes New InfoSec Approach Adapting Engineering Principles to IT Security
Carnegie Mellon Denies FBI Paid for Tor-Breaking Research | WIRED Interesting Article... Read more from the Author...
In the wake of the Paris attacks, US government officials have been vocal in their condemnation of encryption, suggesting that US companies like...
Brian Krebs has frequently urged readers to place a security freeze on their credit files as a means of proactively preventing identity theft. Now, a...
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's updated guidance for bank examiners, released this week, stresses that executives and boards...
1 min read
I ran the Chicago Spartan Super in September. Wow. I had ran several Spartan Sprints before, but this was 8+ miles with over 25 obstacles
2 min read
[feather_share] I recently had the opportunity to attend a presentation by an OCR Investigator from the Chicago region. It was very interesting to...
I had a contact of mine turn me on to HealthIT.gov. There is some good content there.