The Bedel Security Blog

The Superpower of Consistency in Cybersecurity

Written by Tony Bushong | Jul 26, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of financial services, where cyber threats are a constant and compliance mandates tighten, the importance of a robust Information Security Program (ISP) cannot be overstated. Often, it's not the lack of sophisticated tools but the inconsistent application of security practices that lead to vulnerabilities and audit findings. Institutions might cram a year's worth of Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) reviews into a single month or scramble to complete an IT Risk Assessment (ITRA) just before an examination. Building on our previous discussions on moving from a reactive to a proactive ISP and focusing on small wins to enhance productivity, today we'll delve deeper into the power of consistency, guided by insights from Brian Johnson and Ryan Holiday.

Consistency in managing your ISP isn't about grand gestures or massive overhauls; it's about the power of small, regular actions that cumulatively build a solid foundation. Brian Johnson articulates that regularity in actions magnifies their effectiveness, transforming simple tasks into potent habits. For you, this could mean setting daily or weekly, small-scale tasks—things that might seem trivial among your other duties but are critical in building a sound program. At Bedel Security, we assist our clients in maintaining a comprehensive list of annual tasks essential for updating and sustaining their Information Security Programs. We ensure these tasks are regularly managed to prevent any oversight.

Ryan Holiday emphasizes the importance of persistence even on "dawdle days," as termed by John Steinbeck—those challenging days when "everything seems out of whack, and you're just not feeling it." Holiday notes, “The ability to do that, coupled with the ability to endure these off days, is the first step to greatness. Literally. You cannot be great without the self-discipline to do that. One thing a day adds up. Each day adds up. But the numbers are only interesting if they accumulate in large quantities.” In the context of cybersecurity, this means steadfastly adhering to your security routines, even when it feels least impactful, trusting that these small, consistent efforts will cumulate into a sound Information Security Program over time.

Consider the analogy of compounding interest, a concept familiar in finance but equally applicable to information security. Small, consistent steps might appear incremental but, over time, they accumulate, fortifying your institution's defenses. This approach emphasizes playing the long game—prioritizing steady, ongoing progress over sporadic and unsustainable efforts.

As we navigate deeper into the digital age, the consistency of our actions in maintaining an Information Security Program becomes paramount. It's not about the magnitude of each step, but its regularity. At Bedel Security, we're committed to setting up and maintaining a consistent schedule to manage your Information Security Program, ensuring you don't just set it up but manage it, consistently.

Reflect on the small, consistent steps you can begin today. What is one practice you can implement right now? Let's discuss how these consistent actions can strengthen your institution's ISP. Reach out using the form below and let’s harness the superpower of consistency to elevate your Cybersecurity.



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