Understanding Small-Business Cyber-Insurance Marketplace

The cyber insurance universe is still in its infancy.  There will be many changes over the next couple years on the coverage, reaction procedures, premium pricing, and claim stipulations.  I also would love to see a standard structure and terminology of what risks are covered under what policies.

ISMG recently did a podcast to look at why the market for cyber insurance among small business is struggling and it's an interesting listen.

One of the quotes I love from it is "there is a permanent residual risk of just being on the internet".

Click below to listen to the podcast (it's like the first 7 or 8 minutes) on the ISMG website:

Are We Relying Too Much On User Awareness In Cybersecurity?

Are We Relying Too Much On User Awareness In Cybersecurity?

Steven Chabinsky, former Deputy Assistant Directory of Cyber for the FBI, says that we do rely too much on user awareness and we need to do a "180"...

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Sheltered Harbor: New Concept? Or Should You Be Doing This Stuff Already?

1 min read

Sheltered Harbor: New Concept? Or Should You Be Doing This Stuff Already?

Several of our banking clients have reached out to us in the past couple weeks to ask our thoughts on Sheltered Harbor. My guess is that the common...

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