The Problem we STILL See with Vendor Management
We're still seeing a large number of financial institutions, both large and small, struggling with appropriately sizing their vendor management...
Information security programs are like onions. They have layers. Understanding the control layers of an information security program helps management of a financial institution stop seeing the program as a set of ugly policies and start seeing it as a way to provide peace of mind for themselves and for their customers.
Whenever I start working with a new customer, my brain immediately goes to “onion mode”, where I mentally start to put the controls of the institution into the right layers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing controls. You can also do this if you start thinking in terms of these layers. The layers and controls I look for are as follows:
By going through each of the layers above, you will start to gain a better understanding of all of the layers an attacker would need to penetrate to get to your data. If you need some help navigating these layers, please contact us at
Information Security Strategy: 5 Tips for Success
5 Tips for Creating an Information Security Program That Works
Free Resource: Information Security Program Tasklist
We're still seeing a large number of financial institutions, both large and small, struggling with appropriately sizing their vendor management...