Is it Time to Take the Organization of Your Information Security Program to the Next Level?
The Information Security Program at Banks and Credit Unions is getting to be a pretty complex thing. Policies, audits, reviews, board reports,...
Interesting article by Brian Krebs:
One basic tenet of computer security is this: If you can’t vouch for a networked thing’s physical security, you cannot also vouch for its cybersecurity. That’s because, in most cases, networked things really aren’t designed to foil a skilled and determined attacker who can physically connect his own devices. So you can imagine my shock and horror seeing a Cisco switch and wireless antenna sitting exposed atop of an ATM out in front of a bustling grocery store in my hometown of Northern Virginia.
The Information Security Program at Banks and Credit Unions is getting to be a pretty complex thing. Policies, audits, reviews, board reports,...
Lately, we've been running into cyber security programs and information security programs (ISP) that are elaborate, lengthy, complex, and written...
We are in the security business. So "SECURITY" should be in the name, right? When I first started on my own, I was a little afraid to get specific on...