The Cyber Management Education Series

Shared Perspectives from the Eyes of Experienced CISOs.

Here at Bedel Security, we decided to put our heads together to create educational video resources on how to manage a complete Information Security Program in a Community Financial Institution exclusively for bank or credit union employees*. 



Here are a few of the many topics we'll cover:

  • The role of a CISO, what they do, and the soft skills required for the job
  • Presenting to The Board.
  • Governance
  • Business Continuity Planning / Business Impact Analysis
  • Information Security Policies
  • Third-Party Risk Management
  • Incident Response Planning
  • User Testing and Training
  • Exams and Audits 

No two videos are the same. In some we are discussing a topic, in others, we're walking through a template and laying out the steps to take. We try to bring a variety of knowledge, tips, and perspectives to the table having various members of our staff or industry experts join us when we can.

Our goal is to continue to create content for this series in an ongoing manner so if you have questions or ideas, please send them our way at!


*If we cannot verify that you are a financial institution employee, we will not be able to give you access at this time.